Welcome to Kiwanis Club of East Orange County in Orlando, Florida! We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives.
Join us for our monthly Charity Poker Tournament
We organize a fun night of Texas Hold’em poker tournament once a month at the Stoneybrook Fitness Center. Your suggested donation of $30 includes beer, wine, soda, water and snacks throughout the evening. Doors open at 6pm and the cards fly at 6:30. You are welcome to join the game until 7:30. All levels of experience are welcome. We even host tutorials at 6:15 for those that want to learn. So, come hang out with us as well raise money to help the kids in East Orange County.
Bring in at least 6 cans of TUNA to donate and get an extra 1000 chips
Kiwanis Club of East Orange County
Welcome to Kiwanis Club of East Orange County in Orlando, Florida! We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives.
Join us for our monthly Charity Poker Tournament
We organize a fun night of Texas Hold’em poker tournament once a month at the Stoneybrook Fitness Center. Your suggested donation of $30 includes beer, wine, soda, water and snacks throughout the evening. Doors open at 6pm and the cards fly at 6:30. You are welcome to join the game until 7:30. All levels of experience are welcome. We even host tutorials at 6:15 for those that want to learn. So, come hang out with us as well raise money to help the kids in East Orange County.
Bring in at least 6 cans of TUNA to donate and get an extra 1000 chips
Register Here!
What is Kiwanis?
We are a service organization that helps kids. Here is a quick video that explains what Kiwanis is
Interested in learning more? Please contact us or apply to join our Kiwanis club here
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Upcoming events
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting, make snack packs
EOC Kiwanis Sidewalk Clean-up (University Blvd)
Kids Socks and Underwear drive start
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
Webinar - KI: The forgotten art of onboarding
CKI District Convention
CKI District Convention
CKI District Convention
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Road Clean-Up
Kids Underwear and sock drive end Social, guest day
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Ton of Tuna Table event
Ton of Tuna Drive begins
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
Easter Egg Hunt 1
Easter Egg Hunt 2
Webinar - KI: Are you a 'clique' or a club?
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Foundation General Meeting
Key Club dcon
Key Club dcon
Key Club dcon
Key Club dcon
Tuna Drive social
Road Clean-Up
Student of the Year breakfast
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Foundation Board Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Foster care duffel bag making and picnic, Governor's visit
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
Webinar - KI: Identify and nurture future club leaders
Kiwanis International Convention
Kiwanis International Convention
Kiwanis International Convention
Kiwanis International Convention
Kiwanis International Convention
Kiwanis International Convention
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Key Club International Convention
Key Club International Convention
Key Club International Convention
Key Club International Convention
Key Club International Convention
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
Road Clean-Up
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Christmas in July, end of School supply drive
Florida District Convention
Florida District Convention
Florida District Convention
Florida District Convention
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
Webinar - KI: Battling Club apathy
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Road Clean-Up
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Road Clean-Up
EOCK Foundation Board Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Road Clean-Up