Our Kiwanis club supports clubs in 9 schools in Orange County. The focus of these Service Leadership Programs are to develop leadership skills and a service mindset in the children that will be our leaders in the future.
K-Kids Clubs
K-Kids clubs, also known as Kiwanis Kids, are the Service Leadership Programs in the Elementary level. We believe that is never too early to develop a service-leadership mindset and build the character and self-esteem of children. We sponsor the following clubs in the local schools:
Andover Elementary K-Kids
Cypress Springs Elementary K-Kids
Little River Elementary K-Kids
Sunrise Elementary K-Kids
Waterford Elementary K-Kids
Builders Clubs
Our Kiwanis club supports 3 Builders Clubs. The Builders Club is known for building leaders. Students in Builders Clubs give of their time and talent to serve the teachers and students in their schools, as well as the other members of the community. We support Builders Club service projects, facilitate the Builders Club meetings, and provide mentorships. We support the following clubs:
Corner Lake Middle School Builders Club
Legacy Middle School Builders Club
Union Park Middle School Builders Club
Key Clubs
Key Club is the largest and oldest student-led community service leadership organization. With over 250,000 Key Club members around the world, the Key Club members are part of something bigger than themselves or their clubs. The students have opportunities for leadership training in the state through Florida Key Club and around the world through Key Club International. We support one Key Club at University High School.
CKI, or Circle K International, is the highest level of student-led organizations. At the college level, these students log more service hours per member than any other part of the Kiwanis family. Like Key Club, they have opportunities to lead at the state-level through Florida CKI and the International level through Circle K International. We support one CKI Club at the University of Central Florida.
Kiwanis Terrific Kids Program
The Kiwanis Terrific Kids program awards students for their character who may not necessarily be recognized for their grades. “Terrific” is an acronym for Thoughtful, Enthusiastic, Respectful, Responsible, Inclusive, Friendly, Inquisitive and Capable. We currently sponsor the following Kiwanis Terrific Kids:
Andover Elementary
Corner Lake Middle
Little River Elementary
Union Park Middle
Waterford Elementary
BUG Program
This year, we are starting a new Kiwanis-branded program. The BUG, or Bring Up Grades, program awards students for bringing up their grades from one marking period to another.
Corner Lake Middle
Union Park Middle
Are you ready to join us? Contact us or apply for Kiwanis club membership here
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Service Leadership Programs
Our Kiwanis club supports clubs in 9 schools in Orange County. The focus of these Service Leadership Programs are to develop leadership skills and a service mindset in the children that will be our leaders in the future.
K-Kids Clubs
K-Kids clubs, also known as Kiwanis Kids, are the Service Leadership Programs in the Elementary level. We believe that is never too early to develop a service-leadership mindset and build the character and self-esteem of children. We sponsor the following clubs in the local schools:
Builders Clubs
Our Kiwanis club supports 3 Builders Clubs. The Builders Club is known for building leaders. Students in Builders Clubs give of their time and talent to serve the teachers and students in their schools, as well as the other members of the community. We support Builders Club service projects, facilitate the Builders Club meetings, and provide mentorships. We support the following clubs:
Key Clubs
Key Club is the largest and oldest student-led community service leadership organization. With over 250,000 Key Club members around the world, the Key Club members are part of something bigger than themselves or their clubs. The students have opportunities for leadership training in the state through Florida Key Club and around the world through Key Club International. We support one Key Club at University High School.
CKI, or Circle K International, is the highest level of student-led organizations. At the college level, these students log more service hours per member than any other part of the Kiwanis family. Like Key Club, they have opportunities to lead at the state-level through Florida CKI and the International level through Circle K International. We support one CKI Club at the University of Central Florida.
Kiwanis Terrific Kids Program
The Kiwanis Terrific Kids program awards students for their character who may not necessarily be recognized for their grades. “Terrific” is an acronym for Thoughtful, Enthusiastic, Respectful, Responsible, Inclusive, Friendly, Inquisitive and Capable. We currently sponsor the following Kiwanis Terrific Kids:
BUG Program
This year, we are starting a new Kiwanis-branded program. The BUG, or Bring Up Grades, program awards students for bringing up their grades from one marking period to another.
Are you ready to join us? Contact us or apply for Kiwanis club membership here
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Upcoming events
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting, make snack packs
EOC Kiwanis Sidewalk Clean-up (University Blvd)
Kids Socks and Underwear drive start
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
Webinar - KI: The forgotten art of onboarding
CKI District Convention
CKI District Convention
CKI District Convention
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Road Clean-Up
Kids Underwear and sock drive end Social, guest day
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Ton of Tuna Table event
Ton of Tuna Drive begins
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
Easter Egg Hunt 1
Easter Egg Hunt 2
Webinar - KI: Are you a 'clique' or a club?
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Foundation General Meeting
Key Club dcon
Key Club dcon
Key Club dcon
Key Club dcon
Tuna Drive social
Road Clean-Up
Student of the Year breakfast
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Foundation Board Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Foster care duffel bag making and picnic, Governor's visit
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
Webinar - KI: Identify and nurture future club leaders
Kiwanis International Convention
Kiwanis International Convention
Kiwanis International Convention
Kiwanis International Convention
Kiwanis International Convention
Kiwanis International Convention
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Key Club International Convention
Key Club International Convention
Key Club International Convention
Key Club International Convention
Key Club International Convention
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
Road Clean-Up
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Christmas in July, end of School supply drive
Florida District Convention
Florida District Convention
Florida District Convention
Florida District Convention
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
Webinar - KI: Battling Club apathy
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Road Clean-Up
EOC Kiwanis Board Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Road Clean-Up
EOCK Foundation Board Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
EOC Kiwanis Club Meeting
Road Clean-Up